There is no other way except JesusWe believe in God

Fais de l'Eternel tes délices et il te donnera ce que ton cœur désire

Behold, oh! how sweet it is for brothers to dwell together!Loving God Loving Others

Tu aimeras le Seigneur ton Dieu de tout ton coeur, de tout ton ame, et de toute ta pensee Math 22 : 37b Tu aimeras ton prochain comme toi même. Math 22 : 39b

I lift my hands to your commandments which I love, And I want to meditate on your statutes

La charite est patiente, elle est pleine de bonte; la charite n'est point envieuse; la charite ne se vente point, elle ne s'enfle point d'orgueil. 1 Corinthiens 13 : 4


As a letter of Christ "2 Co. 3 :2-3", we are commited to announce the gospel of life throughout the


Be informed of all the new publications of the LMC choir.


This choir currently has about forty active members residing in Bafoussam-Cameroon and its surroundings, members in several cities in Cameroon


The Spirit of God has called us not just to be “Messengers: Voice of the Lord”, but moreover “Voices that are and refer”. This is truly what “The voice of the Lord” implies.
Failing to respond judiciously to this call is unfortunately to correspond to the shocking portrait that follows: “When he takes a soft voice, do not believe him, for there are seven abominations in his heart. (Prov.26:25).